Police officers arrested the alleged perpetrator George Sugama Halim (GSH) towards employees Bakery on Jalan Raya Pisiran, Cakung, East Jakarta. The arrest was made by joint personnel from the Crime Directorate of the Metro Jaya Police and the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Restro Police in Sukabumi, Sunday (15/12) evening.
“The perpetrator has been arrested at a hotel in Sukabumi, West Java,” said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Commissioner Nicolas Ary Lilipaly in his statement in Jakarta, Monday (16/12).
Nicolas emphasized that the perpetrator is not above the law, especially now that the case is at an advanced stage investigation. “In this case the perpetrator is not above the law. The evidence is that the perpetrator has been clarified as a reported person and the case has been escalated to the investigation stage,” he said.
Next, investigators will collect complete evidence. If at least two pieces of evidence are complete, investigators will take further legal steps.
East Jakarta Metro Police have also questioned a number of witnesses and reported parties to ask for clarification. The victim reported the case itself on October 18, 2024 persecution heavy.
For his actions, the alleged GSH perpetrator is threatened with being charged under Article 351 of the Criminal Code relating to abuse with a maximum threat of 2.5 years in prison.
Head of Public Relations for the East Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Lina Yuliana, previously said about the incident violence It started when the alleged perpetrator asked the victim for help to deliver food to his private room, but the victim refused because it was not part of his job.
“Initially the reported party (the alleged perpetrator) asked the victim for help to deliver food to the reported person’s private room. The victim didn’t want to because that wasn’t his job,” said Lina, Saturday (14/12).
Next, the reported person became angry and took a chair which was thrown at the victim and hit the left side of his head which resulted in a laceration on the victim’s shoulder.
Previously, a video circulated on social media (Ant/Z-11)
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