PUBLIC can create images using WhatsApp Meta AI in your WhatsApp chats. AI images are generated by artificial intelligence (AI), based on instructions and messages you type, using services from Meta. Please note, some AI-generated images may be inaccurate or inappropriate.
The following is method make images with Meta AI Whatsapp:
1. Open a chat with Meta AI.
2. Type imagine in the message field followed by your prompt text.
3. Click send.
4. The resulting image will be displayed in the chat.
In individual chats or WhatsApp groups:
1. Open the chat for which you want to create an AI image.
2. Type @ in the message field, then click imagine.
3. Enter your prompt text/command text in the message field.
4. Click send.
5. The resulting image will be displayed in the chat.
After creating an AI image, you have the option to download it. To do this, hover over the AI image, then click the menu. Tap Download.
Updated AI image
You can update the images you create using Meta AI.
In chat with Meta AI:
1. Open a chat with Meta AI.
2. Move the cursor to the AI image, then click the menu.
3. Click reply.
4. Enter your new text command in the message field.
5. Click send.
6. The updated created image will be displayed in the chat.
In individual chats or WhatsApp groups:
1. Open a chat with the AI image you created.
2. Move the cursor to the AI image, then click the menu.
3. Click reply.
4. Type @ in the message field, then click Meta AI.
5. Type imagine/imagine followed by your text command.
6. Click send.
7. The updated created image will be displayed in the chat. (Zak/I-2)
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