DEPUTY for Enforcement and Execution of the Corruption Eradication Commission (Corruption Eradication Commission) Rudi Setiawan said that his party had named two suspects in the alleged corruption case CSR funds in Bank Indonesia (BI). Investigators conducted searches in a number of locations, one of which was the work room BI Governor Perry Warjiyo. Monday (16/12) evening WIB.
“We have named two suspects several months ago who are suspected of obtaining funds from Bank Indonesia’s CSR,” said Rudi at the KPK Building, South Jakarta, Tuesday (17/12).
Rudi was reluctant to specify the initials of the parties who had been named as suspects. “Meanwhile there are two people,” said Rudi.
According to Rudi, the state’s losses in this case were quite large. However, he was reluctant to detail the exact figures.
“There’s a lot of CSR from BI, it’s quite big for Bank Indonesia’s CSR. “Then ask BI,” explained Rudi.
Rudi said investigators confiscated a number of documents from Perry’s office. The search was related to a case of alleged corruption in the form of CSR funds at BI.
A number of parties will be summoned to investigate this matter. Rudi was reluctant to specify the names of those who would be questioned after the search. (P-5)
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